Our mission is to provide highest quality data products to develop accurate AI.

We work every day to provide high-quality data services, while creating positive social impact through employing of young, well educated people in the digital economy.

Leadership Team

Dedicated to quality and your success

Rinor Cakaj
Founder & CEO
Rinor studied Mathematics with focus on Deep Learning and worked on AI projects at KPMG, S&J GmbH (Family Office) and Robert Bosch GmbH.
Daniel Lopez Callabero
Daniel studied business administration and has over 7 years of experience in project management & controlling at Robert Bosch GmbH.

Our Data Labelling Team

Our data labelling team including Adelina Brovina, Burrat Morina, Festim Ahmeti, Florian Miftari, Gazi Tullari, Granit Shabani, Kushtrim Ahmeti, Njomza Qungla, Shkelqim Cakaj, Zoje Hajredinaj provides high-quality data for your AI projects. For special topics, specialists from a professional network of experts can be called in at short notice.

We are hiring!

Are you our next Data Labelling Expert? If you want to join us on our journey get in touch with our team via email: info@norin.io, and we will send you all the details!